I think it is fair to say we often want to do certain things in life but something holds us back from actually doing it. Perhaps you have always wanted to go white water rafting or ride in a hot air balloon? Maybe you want to ask someone out on a date or begin working on a novel you have always thought about writing?
Recently I went to a rock concert I had wanted to see for many years (the Chili Peppers) and got to finally cross that one off my list of great experiences to have in life.
Look for opportunities to venture outside your comfort zone, ask for feedback and help, admit your mistakes, and so on.
We may be having anxiety about taking action on these things, but the truth is the only way to get past that anxiety is to do it. Avoiding that feeling of being uncomfortable will not help in the long run!
For me that was performing. I started doing stand-up (very uncomfortable), then work as a stage actor (difficult to 'be in the moment'), then got into improv comedy (a whole new set of anxiety feelings!), but with each time I do these things it gets so much easier and that much more rewarding! I work on these activities all the time, little by little.
So pick something you've always wanted to do... and take some action!